

Applied Energistics 3 is split into modules. Each module represents a certain theme/feature/element/..., like World Gen module is responsible for world generation (meteorites and ores), ME module adds ME system, Spatial IO module adds spatial storage cells, etc. The significant part of the new modules system is difference between internal and external modules. Before we get to it, you have to understand how Applied Energistics 3 will be distributed:

  • There will be one JAR that includes ALL modules (it will also be the one you download by default).
  • A Core jar which contains utility classes, core API and all internal modules. It is included in the ALL JAR, but in other cases it will always have to be installed.
  • A JAR per external module, which logically requires Core JAR to be installed.
  • Some JARs for addon & cross-compat developers, which we will not cover here.

Now that we covered distribution, we only have to sum things up to define internal and external modules:

  • Internal modules - Modules of Applied Energistics 3 that are always installed, whether you want it or not.
  • External modules - Optional Applied Energistics 3 modules.


Modules is the core system of Applied Energistics 3. All systems begin in modules. Without them, nor API can't do anything, nor AE3 itself can't do anything.

Retrieving module instances

If you want to do anything with modules (AE3 in general), you gotta retrieve their instance first.

Use @Module.Instance(String) on a static field to populate it with instance of the module, the value parameter being the name of the module.

Example code:

public static ICore core;

This will populate the core field with the instance of core module.

Modules are instatiated by AE during pre initialization. If you have to access modules' instances during pre initilization, make sure to add after:appliedenergistics3 to your @Mod dependencies.

Note: Toposearch is in the to-do list. Once it will be implemented, following code (for previous example) will become valid:

public static ICore core;

Use ModuleInternalClass#INSTANCE to retrieve module's instance. Example code:


This will invoke definitions method on the instance of core module.

Current Modules Structure:

(All modules under Core are internal)

  • Core
    • Crafting
    • ME
    • Spatial
    • World Gen
  • Debug (not distributed)
  • Decorative
  • Miscellaneous
  • Tools

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